Our goal

CarryShine aims to encourage readers to discuss and debate the content we publish. At the same time, we want to ensure that our platform is an inclusive and safe space where our readers come to seek intelligent commentary and discussion.

The process

All comments submitted to CarryShine.com go through moderation and scrutiny before they are approved to appear on the site.

Our comment moderators receive user comments as they are submitted to the website’s platform. A moderator then reads each comment, and based on our comment policy, a decision is made whether to approve or trash it. This process may take up to a few hours, depending on traffic.

A comment becomes visible on the site when it is approved for publishing.

Note: Comments submitted to the site may be published in the CarryShine newspaper.


To maintain intelligent and meaningful debate on our platform, we have developed guidelines we expect the community to follow when submitting a comment. These guidelines inform our approach to comment moderation on all our sites. CarryShine reserves the right to delete comments which violate our community engagement guidelines.

Language that is offensive to or attacks a person, a group, or a community based on race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, appearance, or disability isn’t permitted.

Example: “X community can hardly be expected to perform this job.”

Personal attacks against authors, as well as users, are not permitted.

Example: “The writer has been paid off to write this piece.”

Please don’t post comments that have no relation to the topic of discussion. Some cases can be regarded as broad, but anything off-topic that may derail the meeting will not be approved. This will be done to keep the debate on track and remain meaningful.

Comments that can land any party in legal trouble will not be approved. This applies to libelous comments and comments that may lead to copyright breaches or other applicable Pakistani laws.

Please don’t post commercial comments and include advertising material and links. This may also apply to users who frequently post external links around a topic without contributing to the ongoing discussion.

Comments that include quotations from religious texts will be deleted. This is because scripture may need to be correctly quoted or mentioned out of context, even if ideally shared.

Comments that appear to be spamming and posting identical comments across multiple posts will be deleted. These comments add nothing to the conversation and only attempt to disrupt it negatively.

Comments that openly support terrorism, sectarianism, indulge in hate speech, incitement to violence, and attack a religion will be deleted.


1) “I hope they kill him” 2) “X country should wipe out Y country.”

Comments written in all CAPS will be trashed. All caps are generally regarded as a written equivalent to shouting. Please don’t shout.


You sent in a comment, but it wasn’t approved:

Your comment may be pending approval. Moderating each comment that appears on the site takes some time. Because we receive a large volume of comments from our readers and each comment is carefully negotiated, there can be a delay between the submitted comment and its approval to appear on the site.


Your comment violated our policy. There can be some reasons for that, from the analysis possibly containing personal attacks against our writers and other users to violating libel or copyright laws. Please go over our comments policy again if you have any questions.

Enough time has passed (say 24 hours), and your comment was never approved. And you believe it didn’t violate policy:

In that case, reach out to us (contacts here). Your email should contain 1) the link to the story you commented on, 2) the name and email address you entered when you submitted your comment, 3) the text of your comment, if possible, and 4) why you think it should have been approved. We will investigate your complaint and will get back to you.

Do you edit user comments?

No, we do not. Comments are either approved or rejected. We, however, reserve and may exercise the right to fix spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Comments were closed on an article.

Human moderators review all comments. As a result, only a limited number of words can be moderated daily. However, we do our best and keep the discussion open on each post for 72 hours, starting from the moment it’s published online. This also amounts to the average time debate continues on the post’s topic, following which we move on to newer stories, as do most of our readers. Only in very exceptional circumstances do we keep comments open on a post after 72 hours have passed.

I read a comment on your website that I found violating your policy. Would you happen to know how I can report it?

One way to alert us is by leaving a comment in the same post that contains the offending comment. You can draw our attention with a one-liner; for example, hello moderator, please check the comment by XYZ, XYZ being the name used by the one who posted the offending comment, and we will follow up on it.

Another way is to send us a quick email (contacts here) with Reporting comment in the subject line. In that email, please share with us 1) the link to the post in question and 2) the offending comment. Following this, we will look into your complaint and let you know.

Do the comments you approve reflect or represent the views of CarryShine Media Group?

Views expressed in comments do not necessarily reflect or represent the views of CarryShine Media Group, its staff, or contributors. Countless times, you’ll encounter comments that may not align with CarryShine’s positions on specific topics. Still, the ideas of respectful disagreement and debate mean we accommodate opposing views as long as they do not violate our comments guidelines.

Ultimately, we aim to host a thriving community that can engage in constructive debate and is open to all viewpoints while ensuring that all community members feel safe and welcome.