YES Program Guide: How to Apply and Succeed

Are you a high school student from a country with a significant Muslim population? Do you want to experience the American culture, education, and values for an academic year? If yes, then you might be interested in applying for the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program.

The YES Program is a full scholarship program funded by the U.S. Department of State. It was established in October 2002 in response to the events of September 11, 2001, to bridge mutual understanding between Americans and people from countries of strategic importance to the United States.

The program provides scholarships for high school students from over 40 countries to spend up to one academic year in the United States. During their exchange year, YES students live with host families, attend high schools, participate in community service activities, and learn about American society and values.

The YES Program is not only a cultural exchange program, but also an academic and leadership development program. YES students are expected to maintain good grades, demonstrate positive behavior, and engage in extracurricular activities. They also have the opportunity to attend civic education workshops, enhancement activities, and regional conferences to enhance their skills and knowledge.

The YES Program also has an alumni network that supports the returnees in their home countries. The alumni can access various resources, opportunities, and events to continue their learning and service. They can also apply for grants, scholarships, internships, and other programs to further their education and career goals.

Benefits of the YES Program

The YES Program offers many benefits for the selected students, such as:

  • A full scholarship that covers international travel, orientation fees, tuition, room and board, health insurance, and a monthly stipend.
  • A chance to experience the American culture, lifestyle, and values first-hand by living with a host family and attending a high school.
  • An opportunity to improve their English language skills and academic performance.
  • A platform to showcase their culture, religion, and traditions to their host communities and schools.
  • A network of friends, mentors, and supporters from different backgrounds and countries.
  • Exposure to various perspectives, ideas, and issues that broaden their worldview and critical thinking.
  • Development of leadership, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills that prepare them for future challenges.
  • A contribution to global peace and understanding by fostering mutual respect and dialogue.

Eligibility Criteria for the YES Program

The eligibility criteria for the YES Program vary by country, but generally include the following:

  • The candidate must be a citizen of one of the nations listed.
  • The applicant must be enrolled in 9th or 10th grade at the time of application.
  • The applicant must have a minimum of B average or equivalent in all subjects for the past three years.
  • The applicant must have a minimum of B average or equivalent in English for the past three years.
  • The applicant must meet the age requirements for their country (usually between 15 and 17 years old by the start of the program).
  • The applicant must demonstrate flexibility, maturity, adaptability, and commitment to cross-cultural exchange.
  • The applicant must have no prior experience in living or studying in the United States.

Application Process for the YES Program

The application process for the YES Program consists of several steps:

  1. The applicant must complete an online or paper application form that includes personal information, academic records, essays, references, and signatures.
  2. The applicant must take an English proficiency test (such as TOEFL or SLEP) and a general aptitude test (such as SAT or ACT).
  3. The applicant must undergo a medical examination and submit a health form signed by a doctor.
  4. The applicant must attend an interview with a selection committee that evaluates their motivation, personality, and suitability for the program.
  5. The applicant must wait for the final selection results that are announced by the U.S. Department of State or its partner organizations.

The application deadlines and procedures may differ by country, so it is advisable to check the official website or contact the local partner organization for more details.

Tips for Success in the YES Program

The YES Program is a rewarding but challenging experience that requires preparation, adjustment, and dedication. Here are some tips for success in the program:

  • Before departure: Research about the United States, its culture, history, politics, geography, etc. Learn about your host state and city. Communicate with your host family and school. Pack wisely and bring some items that represent your culture. Set realistic goals and expectations for yourself and others.
  • During arrival: Be open-minded and respectful of differences. Be curious and ask questions. Be flexible and adaptable to changes. Be positive and optimistic. Be proactive and involved in your host family, school, and community. Be responsible and follow the rules and regulations. Be grateful and appreciative of the opportunities and support.
  • After return: Stay in touch with your host family, friends, and mentors. Share your experiences and insights with your family, friends, and peers. Apply what you learned to your personal, academic, and professional life. Join the alumni network and participate in its activities and programs. Continue your service and leadership in your home country and beyond.


The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program is a unique and valuable opportunity for high school students from countries with significant Muslim populations to experience the American culture, education, and values for an academic year. The program also aims to promote mutual understanding, respect, and dialogue between Americans and people from other countries.

The program offers many benefits for the selected students, such as a full scholarship, a chance to live with a host family and attend a high school, a network of friends and supporters, exposure to various perspectives and issues, and the development of skills and knowledge.

The program has some eligibility criteria and application process that vary by country, but generally involve completing an application form, taking some tests, undergoing a medical examination, attending an interview, and waiting for the final selection results.

The program is a rewarding but challenging experience that requires preparation, adjustment, and dedication. The students can succeed in the program by following some tips such as being open-minded, flexible, positive, proactive, responsible, grateful, and involved.

The program also has an alumni network that supports the returnees in their home countries. The alumni can access various resources, opportunities, and events to continue their learning and service. They can also apply for grants, scholarships, internships, and other programs to further their education and career goals.

The YES Program is not only a cultural exchange program but also an academic and leadership development program that has impacted over 15,000 participants since 2003. The program is a testament to the power of exchange programs in fostering global peace and understanding.

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